The Fullness of Time

Christmas scene

T’was the night before Christmas and all through the earth
The world did not know, it was the eve of His birth.
Many hoped and prayed for the salvation of man
For the promised deliverance of God’s holy plan.
The world for centuries have been bound by a curse
The burden known as sin from Genesis three sixth verse.

Adam & Eve had eaten from the forbidden tree
Now the world knew not what it was to be free.
The chains of sin bound all of creation
Mankind’s great need was for divine liberation.
How the Devil laughed now that man lay in his power
But God promised that Satan would know of an hour
When God’s mighty deliverer to the serpent’s great dread
Would free all humanity by crushing his head.

Yes how Satan loves to steal, kill & destroy
But God’s plan for life began with a boy.
You see, humanity needed an atonement for sin
So a relationship with God we could begin.
How the Father loves & adores His creation
But the curse of sin caused a huge separation.

God required a sacrifice to cover man’s fall
To free man from sin once and for all
There weren’t many solutions, there was really just one
God would choose to sacrifice His only Son
Yes Jesus, God’s Son, would become as a man
He would represent God, be His glorious plan.

Yes He was God, but wholly man out and in
And though tempted in all ways, would never know sin
He would suffer and die, then rise from the dead
He would pay for man’s sin, suffer in man’s stead.
With God’s glorious plan Satan could hardly contend
By Jesus’ glorious sacrifice man’s captivity would end.

Now this is no fable, no nursery rhyme!
This is the glory of God’s plan, in the fullness of time!

All heaven was abuzz with the incredible news
To become a man, the Son of God would choose
The angels’ excitement was incredibly contagious
The Child to be born was the fulfilling of the ages.
The angels were amazed, “God made lower than us?”
No wonder there was such an incredible fuss.

They could hardly contain the joys yet untold
For in the Christ child God’s plan would unfold
Gabriel, Michael and all the heavenly host,
Could barely hold back their glorious boast.
They would shout and sing to make sure they’d be heard!
Oh how hard it was to wait for God’s Word!

Then finally it came, God said “Go with good speed
Shout forth with joy – Oh yes indeed!”
The angels were surprised to whom they should speak
To shepherds with their flocks, lowly and meek.
Gabriel took charge & told the shepherds not to fear
But to rejoice for God has come near!

Gabriel announced, “Good news to all men
The Savior, the Christ is born in Bethlehem.”
“A baby in a manger can surely be found”.
Gabriel said, as the Lord’s glory shone around
Then suddenly there appeared the angelic crowd
Singing praises to God, with such beauty – and loud!

Oh what a time of praise they had
They could not remember when they’d been more glad!
They loved to shout, dance and sing
For the earth was now receiving her King
The joy and exuberance from heaven above
Was being expressed in God’s gift of love.

A son was given a child was born
That humanity need no longer mourn.
Eternal Father our Prince of Peace
There will be no end to His governments’ increase
What an occasion, join the celebrations!
For Christ Jesus has come to free all the nations!
Joy to the world we have been given a King
Now let both heaven and nature sing.

Jesus, God’s son, came as man Christmas day
A tiny baby boy, precious in every way.
At this time we remember the child Christ Jesus
Let it also be known He’s the Lord who frees us!
He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
To Him all praise and majesty rings.

He is God come to us to show us the way
That right-living, peace and joy we could know every day
We can have abundant life that none does deserve
By making a choice Christ Jesus to serve.

So on Christmas day let’s remember God’s plan
That by sending His Son God was reconciling man
And by choosing to follow Jesus, who came from above
We can all know the abundance of God’s holy love!

Isaiah 9:6, 7 (The Message)

“For a child has been born-for us! The gift of a son-for us! He’ll take over the running of the world. His names will be: Amazing Counselor, Strong God, Eternal Father, Prince of Wholeness. His ruling authority will grow, and there’ll be no limits to the wholeness he brings. He’ll rule from the historic David throne over that promised kingdom. He’ll put that kingdom on a firm footing and keep it going with fair dealing and right living, beginning now and lasting always. The zeal of God-of-the-Angel-Armies will do all this.”

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