Big Leaves, But No Fruit

maple treeAutumn is an awesome season. The changing colors of the leaves on the trees is spectacular. The accompanying fragrance coupled with the crisp, cool, clean air is invigorating.

We have a very large maple tree in our yard. We actually have two maple trees, but one of them is of significant size. Its canopy is magnificent, spreading out over a massive area towering fifty feet above the ground.

One sunny fall day I was across the lake from our house looking through some binoculars to see if I could spot our home tucked away on the lush, evergreen covered mountainside. From a distance of close to 6 kilometres or 3.5 miles I was scanning the mountainside for a clue to where our house was, when I saw a massive golden globe of color amidst the lush greenery. It was our maple tree standing proudly as a glorious autumn beacon of color surrounded by ponderosa pines and douglas firs.

The maple tree’s large leaves, now dressed in their incredible fall colors, were commanding attention in an outstanding fashion that was difficult to ignore. It was brilliant, radiant and resplendent.

Maple trees are beautiful, but they don’t produce fruit. We are not called to be like Maple Trees. We are called to produce fruit. It doesn’t matter how glorious, how together, or how attractive we may look on the outside, if we are not bearing fruit we are not walking with God.

Our goal cannot be to just look good on the outside – we must produce fruit in keeping with our faith. We cannot have big leaves, with not fruit. Our temptation can be to look the part of the outside, to look like we are a “good Christian”, but really not have any substance.

Real faith produces fruit. Real faith is not simply about believing, it’s also about doing. Faith is only faith if it is in action. Faith in action produces fruit. Scripture tells us that faith without action is actually dead.

The Pharisees were condemned by Jesus because they sought to justify themselves in the eyes of men – to look good on the outside – but God knew what was in their hearts. He knew what the fruit of their lives was.

They had big leaves, but no fruit.

How about you? Do you have big leaves with little or no fruit?

Jesus said that pruning makes us fruitful. What does that mean? What things need to be pruned from our lives to make us fruitful? And what does ‘fruit’ in our lives look like anyway?

Well, we are told that the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. That’s good fruit. How about generosity, serving others, sacrificial giving, hospitality, and the like? That’s good fruit too.

Do you produce that kind of fruit? If you don’t, then it may be time for some pruning.

What do we need to prune to become more fruitful? I think there are 4 areas of our lives we can prune in order to bear more fruit:

  1. Unhealthy habits
  2. Sin
  3. Busyness
  4. Unhealthy relationship

Let’s ask the Lord about this, “Lord, are there unhealthy habits I need to prune off that hinder me from walking in faith in action? What sin have I chosen or allowed to infiltrate my life that inhibits fruitfulness? Am I hiding in busyness and, therefore, not investing my time in what is truly valuable? What relationships am I holding onto that are pulling me away from you?”

We live in a culture that emphasizes the outward appearance at the expense of the true character of a man. Character determines fruit. A man’s character is reflected in the fruit of his life. We are created, crafted and called by God to be men of character who live fruitful lives for the benefit of others.

Jesus created, crafted and called us that we might produce fruit, fruit that remains and that has eternal significance. Take some time this week to ask the Lord to show you how you can increase your fruitfulness.

Let’s not have big leaves with no fruit. Only faith in action is true faith. What is the action the Lord is asking you to take?

Matthew 7:19, 20

“Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.”

John 15:16, 17

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other.”

James 2:17

“In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”

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