Just Do It – Completely!


Not a command we really like hearing do we?


Again, not something we are eager to do.

If we take a look at our lives, at first glance there is not a lot of obedience to which we are called.  We enjoy remarkable freedoms.  Being free from tyrannical rule we are not commanded to obey on a regular basis, so we are free from the need to obey regularly.

Or are we?

Because we live in a democratic society we believe in the Rule of Law.  Therefore, we must obey the law.  If we don’t we will suffer the consequences.  Sure, we can choose whether or not to obey the law, but choosing to disobey the law will certainly lead to very unpleasant consequences and repercussions.

It has been said that freedom is not the license to do what you want, but the liberty to do what you aught.

The law in our society, that which we have chosen to obey, actually enables us to be free.

Have you had any run-ins with the law?  I have.

I have had very few run ins, but at one point in my younger more impetuous and impatient days I had a bad habit of speeding.  I had a number of encounters with the law (aka “speeding tickets”) that led me to ultimately lose my license.  For a very short period of time, thanks to the kindness and mercy of the Manitoba Motor Vehicle branch, my dear wife had to drive me everywhere.  The lesson of that weekend, repeated to me over and over again as we drove together, reformed me and I have not had a problem since. (For the most part.)

The freedoms we enjoy as a society are only possible because we choose to submit to and obey the laws that govern us.  Obedience is critical to freedom.  Partial obedience doesn’t really work either.  Not speeding on most of the road and only speeding on the part of the road with the radar trap is not an excuse.  Total obedience is required.

King Saul didn’t really get this principle.  He was asked by God to do something fairly specific.  He was commanded to totally wipe out the Amalekites, including all their livestock.  He obeyed – partially.  He didn’t wipe out the livestock.  He took the livestock as the spoils of war under pressure from his men.  However, he told Samuel the prophet he kept the livestock to sacrifice to the Lord.  That was a ruse of course; he caved in to the pressure of his men.

You see, he was more concerned what the men thought about him than God.

He feared men more than God.  Because of this, he obeyed partially.  And, that was his downfall.

Samuel told him he messed up and didn’t obey God.  He insisted he had not messed up, he had obeyed.  He didn’t fess up to his mess up until after Samuel pronounced God’s judgement on him.  But then it was too late.  God told him the Kingdom was being taken from him and given to another.  (King David of course.)

Saul caved in to the pressure of men and shorted God.  He didn’t obey God completely.  He tried to please man and God.  That doesn’t work.

What about you?  Is there some area in your life you know God has spoken to you about?  Has He asked you to obey Him in something you are not doing?  Or, have you partially obeyed Him?  Are you caving in to the fear of man?

Disobedience, or partial obedience to God does not end well.  God wants our whole hearts and our complete obedience.  Even Jesus said if we love Him we will keep His commands.  The commands of God lead to our freedom.  Obedience to God leads to freedom and life.

When God speaks to us through His rhema and logos Word we need to obey completely, wholeheartedly.  Blessing is found in our obedience to God.  And if you mess up, then fess up – don’t try to hide it.

So, when it comes to God’s Word just do it – completely.

1 Samuel 15:22

“But Samuel replied: ‘Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord?  To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.’”

Luke 11:28

He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”

John 14:23

“Jesus replied, ‘Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.’”

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